Connecting Wisdom and Experience
to the Energy and Enthusiasm of Developing Entrepreneurs
Affordable Mentoring & Consulting for Entrepreneurs & Small Business
A flagship initiative of Development Wisdom, a registered nonprofit organization based in Ottawa, Canada, this initiative provides access to timely and affordable mentoring and consulting services for entrepreneurs and small business.
In Canada, the US, and globally, the vast majority of people are employed by small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s). These SME’s drive the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and yet more that half of small businesses fail in their first five years of existence. Mentor-Consultants have the experience and knowledge to help small business succeed. They understand the importance of building positive relationships, trust and rapport, and sharing their knowledge and experience to earn your trust for the road ahead. When small business / entrepreneurs get access to the right business and industry sector knowledge and resources, their businesses can grow, they can prosper, and their communities can thrive. We invite you to join us!Development Wisdom is a registered not for profit organization based in Ottawa, Canada. This enables us to match mentor-consultants to entrepreneurs in the most affordable way to reduce the barriers to access business wisdom.
What Clients are Saying...
As a small business entrepreneur, I want to work with experts who can guide me towards success and help define the problems and solutions to take my company to the next level, not just the next step. Development Wisdom is the answer for small business owners who question who to trust and go to for timely, affordable advice and develop mutually-beneficial relationships.
- Stephen Buch, Owner Medieval Marvels and Creations, Ottawa |